Editorial/Advisory Board Member
The Editorial Board is also known as an Advisory Board typically consists of a group of prominent people from different backgrounds having some expertise. An editorial/advisory board for the organization is very important as they act as ambassadors.
Work Responsibilities of Advisory/Editorial Board
The role of the editorial board is to advise and support the Conference Management Team and the editors. Some more responsibilities are as follows:
- - Reviewing the paper as a blind peer reviewer and suggest regarding the selection of paper in the journal.
- - The position of member in the Advisory and Editorial Board is completely voluntary.
- - Approaching potential authors to submit their original papers.
- - Approaching different editors, publishers and organizations for collaborations with us.
- - Endorse the organization to authors, readers and subscribers and encourage colleagues to submit their best research work.
Who can join?
- - Editors/Associate Editors/Editorial board members from International Journals.
- - Institutional Head/Professors/Principal Scientists/HODs are most welcome to join as the advisory members.
- - Qualification: Any Bachelors (With 7 Years of Experience)/Any Masters/PHD/Post Doc.
Editorial Privileges.
- - Being an Advisory/Editorial Member you will have a great networking opportunity among the Peers from across the globe.
- - Your Name, Photo with Affiliation will be listed in the Advisory Board page and the Journal Editorial page thus increasing the Personal profile.
- - You will get one Special certificate from the organization as the advisory board.
- - Being a Member in the Advisory and Editorial board you can send your articles and publication details, Conference photos to highlight in our Monthly News for the subscribers.
- - Being an Advisory/Editorial Member you will get special discount of 20% at any Conference or Journal Registration from the second year onwards of your association.
How to Join the Advisory and Editorial Board?
To join as an Advisory/Editorial Member send your latest CV with a color Photo to info@globalsciencesociety.com
(Kindly mention in mail subject Application for Advisory/Editorial Member for Global science society”)